Please note due to serious health issues
blog posts and social media will be irregular for the early part of 2016.
I'd like to thank my clients, my empoyer ENSafrica,
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and my family and friends for the continued support
and encouragement during this time.
I look forward to soon returning at full strength.
A new monthly article will be published in March 2016
In 2014, twenty years since South Africa became a constitutional democracy,
the University of Cape Town marked this milestone with
the "INCOME TAX IN SOUTH AFRICA: THE FIRST 100 YEARS 1914 – 2014" conference.
I was privileged to be part of this special occasion
and presented a paper called
"The shift to a constitutional democracy in 1994 and the impact thereof on tax law in SA."
This paper (see Part 6: Constitutional, policy and gender issues),
together with all the other conference papers,
has now been published by Juta Law.
You can buy your copy here - further information below.
Income Tax in South Africa The First 100 Years (1914 - 2014)
Edition: 1st
publication date: 17 February 2016
Editors: J Hattingh,
J Roeleveld, C West
1 48510 779 8
506 pages
R550 (Price incl. VAT, excl. courier delivery and is valid until 30 June 2016)
About this publication:
book, marking the 2014 centenary of income tax in South Africa, presents
historical research covering a range of topics.
authors begin with the international origins of income tax law and the
transformation of old Dutch taxes into colonial income tax, and the role of
General Smuts in the introduction of income tax in 1914.
struggle to find an appropriate means of taxing corporate profits of shareholders
is shown to have continued for decades, and mining and farming as main industry
players in the South African economy receive special attention. The demise of
cooperatives, the history of international tax treaties and the colonial
influence also form part of the historical journey of this publication.
examination of the special qualities of leading judges of the time and their
jurisprudence provides much food for thought. Policy debates such as whether
South Africa should follow the source or the residence system of taxation, or
introduce a land tax, rage today as they did in 1914.
impact of transformation since 1994, the need to entrench taxpayers’ rights and
to remove gender inequality, and the remarkable modernisation of SARS, all
played an important part in the development of the South African tax system.
book about one hundred years of income tax would not be complete without some
biographical notes on key personalities such as CJ Ingram KC, Aubrey Silke and
David Meyerowitz SC. In recognising the conference held at the University of
Cape Town to mark one hundred years of income tax in South Africa, the rise of
the teaching of tax at UCT is presented in the form of an extract from the
memoirs of Prof Leon Kritzinger.
congratulate the authors and editors for their work in this book. Not only will
it be the standard reference on the development of income tax in South Africa,
but also, for those interested in tax as a vital social and economic issue, it
provides entertaining, informative and enlightening reading.’’ – Richard Vann, Challis Professor of Law,
University of Sydney
Contents include:
Part 1: The international origins of
income tax in South Africa and its introduction
· Importing and exporting income tax law: The international
origins of the South African Income Tax Act – Peter Harris
· The history of income taxation in the Cape Colony: A story of
dangerous beasts and murderous fathers – Enelia Jansen van Rensburg
· On the introduction of income tax in South Africa by JC
Smuts: Three eventful months (24 April 1914 to 20 July 1914) – Johann Hattingh
· The birth of the first Income Tax Act: The journey begins – Peter Surtees
Part 2: The taxation of companies,
shareholders and partnerships
· Corporate-shareholder taxation in South Africa: 1914 to 1961
– Johann Hattingh
· The road to dividend withholding tax in South African income
tax law (1962 to 2014) – Jennifer
· A review of the taxation of partnerships in South Africa over
the last 100 years - Afton
3: The taxation of mining, farming and
co-operative enterprises
· South Africa’s gold mining tax regime – Roshelle Ramfol
· The history of the taxation of farming in South Africa – Charl du Toit
· The development of the taxation of co-operatives – Tracy Johnson, Jennifer Roeleveld
Part 4: Income tax jurisprudence
· A century of income tax jurisprudence in South Africa – Eddie Broomberg
missteps on South Africa’s road to a coherent income tax jurisprudence – RC Williams
International tax
· From colonialism to apartheid: International influence on tax
treaties in South Africa (1932 to 1990) – Craig West
· Ensuring a right balance in applying the residence and source
bases of taxation in order to protect South Africa’s tax base – Annet Wanyana Oguttu
Part 6: Constitutional, policy and
gender issues
· The shift to a constitutional democracy in 1994 and the
impact thereof on tax law in South Africa – Beric J Croome
· Land tax versus income tax: A historical assessment of
success and failure in South Africa – Nicolaus Tideman and Peter Meakin
· The personal income taxation of women in South Africa: An
overview since the 1970s – Elizabeth
Gavin and Wynnona Steyn
Part 7: Major figures in the development
of income tax in South Africa
CJ Ingram K.C.: Academic pioneer and second President of
the Cape Tax Court – Albertus Marais
Aubrey Silke – Adapted courtesy of the South African
Institute of Tax Practitioners
David Meyerowitz SC – Adapted courtesy of the South African
Institute of Tax Practitioners
Memoirs of Prof. Leon Kritzinger: Aubrey Silke and the
importance of postgraduate tax studies at the University of Cape Town – Leon Kritzinger
Part 8: The evolution of the South
African Revenue Service: 1994 to 2014 - SARS
Table of cases
Table of statutes
Of interest and
benefit to:
· Tax academics
and post-graduate students
· Tax
· Tax
historians and researchers
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