Monday, 1 December 2014

UCT Celebrates 100 Years of Income Tax in South Africa

During 1914, General Jan Smuts, in his capacity as Minister of Finance, tabled legislation in the Parliament of the Union of South Africa introducing income tax in the country with the Income Tax Act of 1914. Taxpayers in the Union of South Africa became liable to income tax with effect from 20 July 1914. [Source: Wikipedia]

In 2014, twenty years since South Africa became a constitutional democracy , the University of Cape Town marked this milestone since with the "INCOME TAX IN SOUTH AFRICA: THE FIRST 100 YEARS 1914 – 2014" conference.   

Dr Beric Croome addresses attendees at the
 "Income Tax in South Africa: The First 100 Years" conference,
with Prof Jennifer Roeleveld, a conference organiser, looking on

[Photograph Michael Hammond].
I was privileged to be part of this special occasion and presented a paper called "The shift to a constitutional democracy in 1994 and the impact thereof on tax law in SA." This paper, together with all the other conference papers, will be published in 2015 by Juta's Law, who also hosted the gala dinner.
The Deputy Tax Ombud of South Africa, Advocate Hanyana Eric Mkhawane, speaking at the Gala Dinner held in Smuts Hall at the University of Cape Town
[Photograph Michael Hammond].
You can read a media report on this conference here . You can view the UCT Finance and Tax  conference photo album HERE and the Juta Law's Gala Dinner photo album HERE. Below are some photos from the conference:
Prof Jennifer Roeleveld, Head: Taxation, Department of Finance and Tax,
 University of Cape Town and a co
nference organiser chats to Mr Kent Karro, Chairman of Horwath Zeller Karro and Chairman of SAICA's monthly tax journal Integritax's editorial panel.
[Photograph Michael Hammond].

[Photograph Michael Hammond].
Thanks to the University of Cape Town's Professors Jennifer Roeleveld, Craig West and Johann Hattingh for an excellent conference and to Jutas Law Mr Wayne Staples and Ms Melanie Wagner for an entertaining Gala Dinner. 
Prof Peter Surtees addresses the attendees
[Photograph Michael Hammond].
Here are some of the items from the "goody bag" the attendees received: