A taxpayer who receives an assessment from the Commissioner:
South African Revenue Service with which they do not agree, is entitled to
lodge an objection against that assessment and Chapter 9 of the Tax
Administration Act, No. 28 of 2011 (“TAA”) sets out the procedures that must be
Taxpayers also need to be mindful of the rules governing objections
and appeals promulgated under section 103 of the TAA, which sets out in greater
detail the steps to be followed in the objection and appeal process.
Under section 96(2) of the TAA, the Commissioner is obliged
to supply the taxpayer with the grounds of the assessment so that the taxpayer
can understand the basis on which the assessment has been issued.
Unfortunately, far too many cases are seen where the Commissioner summarily
disallows deductions claimed by taxpayers without supplying any information as
to the legal basis on which the deduction was denied.
In these cases the
taxpayer is entitled to demand that the Commissioner complies with his
statutory obligation to supply the grounds for the assessment in compliance
with section 96(2) of the TAA.
The taxpayer is required to submit the request
for grounds of assessment where SARS has failed to fulfil its legal obligation
to do so at the time of issuing of the assessment within 30 business days of
the date of the assessment in question.
Once the taxpayer has received the grounds of assessment,
they are entitled to submit an objection against that assessment within 30 days
of receiving the grounds for the assessment. Where the Commissioner has
supplied the grounds of the assessment as required at the outset, the taxpayer
is required to lodge the objection within 30 business days of the date of the
According to the SARS’ website, taxpayers need to submit the
correct documentation for the objection to be valid. In the case of personal
income tax, a notice of objection or form NOO is required to be submitted via
e-filing. Corporate income taxpayers are also required to file the objection
electronically by using the form NOO.
Where a trust disputes an assessment
issued by SARS, it is necessary to complete form ADR1 and submit that either by
hand or by email to an appropriate official at SARS. In the case of value-added
tax, payroll related taxes and all other taxes , such as donations tax,
dividends tax etc. a taxpayer can only file the objection using form ADR1 and
is unable to lodge the objection electronically.
Unfortunately, it does not
appear that SARS officials are familiar with the procedure set out on the SARS
website and officials have often rejected objections on the basis that they are
invalid on the grounds that the taxpayer has not used an NOO form in respect of
value-added tax or donations tax, secondary tax on companies.
Once the legal
position and SARS guidelines are pointed out to SARS officials, a letter of
apology is issued and the objection is then acknowledged and confirmed as being
properly filed. It is most unfortunate that SARS officials do not appear to be
familiar with their own procedures.
It is critical that when the taxpayer decides to object to
the assessment, that they also consider whether to pay the tax in dispute or
whether they wish to apply for a suspension of payment of the tax in dispute in
terms of section 164 of the TAA.
The rules regulating the suspension of payment
of tax in dispute is not discussed further here, except to point out that too
often SARS does not respond timeously or at all to the letters requesting
suspension of payment, as a result of the fact that the requests for suspension
are not capable of being submitted to SARS electronically and are therefore not
properly tracked within SARS’ systems.
Too often taxpayers who have lawfully
applied for suspension of payment receive demands for payment or in a worst
case scenario, are informed that judgment has been taken against them even
though SARS has sat on their request for suspension for many months.
When the taxpayer submits their objection, it is most
important that the grounds of the objection are properly considered and fully
set out in the letter of objection submitted to the Commissioner.
Where SARS has failed to supply the grounds of assessment or
failed to supply proper reasons for the decision to issue the assessment, the
taxpayer should insist that SARS complies with their statutory duty to inform
the taxpayer for issuing the assessment in question. The taxpayer cannot
properly object to an assessment without knowing the basis on which SARS has
issued the assessment concerned.
It is also important that when the objection is prepared,
that statements made in the letter of objection can be supported subsequently
by documentary evidence should the case proceed on appeal to the Tax Court, or
another court. The letter of objection needs to be carefully contemplated and
drafted, so that the taxpayer sets out their case properly and knows that they
can support the statements made in their letter of objection. There is nothing
worse for a taxpayer to lodge an objection only to discover that documents
which they believe to exist, which would support their case, in fact are no
longer available or do not exist.
Under the rules governing objections and appeals, taxpayers
also cannot unilaterally add to the grounds of objection without following
proper procedures laid down in the rules governing objections and appeals and
this applies equally to SARS insofar as its grounds of assessment are concerned.
On 8 December 2014 Rogers J delivered judgment in the case
of ABC (Pty) Ltd v Commissioner for SARS, as yet unreported.
In ABC’s case, the Commissioner submitted an application to
the Tax Court for consent to amend its grounds of assessment under rule 10 of
the rules which previously governed the objection and appeal process.
The case related to the application or otherwise of section
103(2) of the Income Tax Act, No. 58 of 1962 (“the Act”) and in his Rule 10
Statement, the Commissioner indicated that he was relying not only on the first
change in shareholding but also on the subsequent change of shareholding which
occurred during November 2003.
These factors were important in determining
whether section 103(2) of the Act could apply to the transaction in dispute or
not. From a review of the decision of Rogers J, it would appear that the
Commissioner informed the taxpayer of the grounds of assessment setting out the
basis on which the assessment was issued, without reference to the second
change of shareholding and now sought the court’s consent to supplement his
grounds of assessment.
The new rules governing objections and appeals took effect
on 11 July 2014 and the court indicated that the Commissioner’s Rule 10
Statement was filed at the time that the old rules applied. Rogers J indicated
that he was required to establish what could lawfully be contained in a Rule 10
Statement and he reached the conclusion that the coming into force of the new
Tax Court rules did not affect that evaluation.
The court referred to the fact that the question as to
whether the Commissioner or the taxpayer could introduce new grounds into their
Rule 10 and 11 Statements not covered by the earlier steps in the assessment
process is not entirely settled in law. In ITC
1843 Claasen J held that the Commissioner and the taxpayer were entitled to
depart from their previously stated positions in letters of assessment and
letters of disallowance of objection.
Subsequently in HR
Computek (Pty) Ltd v The Commissioner for the South African Revenue Service the
Supreme Court of Appeal indicated that the taxpayer does not have the freedom
of amendment which Claasen J accepted in ITC
Rogers J reached the conclusion that a distinction should be
made between a tax appeal which relates to objective questions of fact and law
and tax appeals which relate to the exercise by the Commissioner of
discretionary powers. The court analysed section 103(2) of the Act extensively
and reviewed the grounds of assessment set out in the Commissioner’s Rule 10
The court indicated that the Commissioner cannot support the
existing assessment made by the him on the basis of matters on which he was not
satisfied when he first issued the assessment in dispute. The court therefore
came to the conclusion that the Commissioner’s application to amend its grounds
of assessment set out in their Rule 10 Statement should be refused and that the
taxpayer’s counter application to strike out those amendments should succeed.
The taxpayer in the case of ABC (Pty) Ltd therefore succeeded in preventing
SARS from amending its grounds of assessment and also received an order of
costs in its favour.
The lesson to be learnt from the ABC case is that the
taxpayer must formulate its grounds of objection properly and likewise SARS must
formulate its grounds of assessment adequately and cannot supplement that at
will and thereby prejudice the taxpayer.
Dr Beric Croome: Tax Executive, ENSafrica. This article first appeared in Business Day, Business Law & TAx Review, April 2015. Photograph by Judy Croome.