Monday, 28 September 2015

International Fiscal Association 69th Annual Congress 2015

 I was privileged to be invited to be the South African Branch Reporter and also a panelist for "Subject 2: The Practical Protection of Taxpayers' Rights" at the International Fiscal Association's 69th Annual Congress in Basel 2015

IFA BASEL2015 Registration Hall at the Exhibition Centre in the Messeplatz
 One of the many "goody bags" from various sponsors of the conference:
   Arriving at the opening function and chatting to Professor Jennifer Roeleveld
 of IFA-SouthAfrica,  hosts of the IFA Annual Congress in 2022.
and member of the Permanent Scientific Committee of the IFA 
and Prof Johann Hattingh of University of Cape Town at Ms Möller research board.  
Both IFA-South Africa and Prof Johann Hattingh snapped photos as I was presenting
 on the panel for Subject 2: The Practical Protection of Taxpayers' Rights
Prof Jennifer Roeleveld chairs IFA Basel seminar on Taxpayers' Rights & International Exchange of Information. 
Prof Craig West as secretary.  Photo courtesy of Prof Johann Hattingh
   The Gala Dinner had a variety of talented performance artists to entertain us
 The IFA flag being handed from Switzerland (Congress Host 2015)
 to Madrid (Congress Host 2016)
   After the congress was over, my wife and I stayed in 
the remote mountain village of Pianazzola, Italy
  then onto Milan for an orchestral concert at Teatro de alla Scala 
and a visit to Castello Sforza
Homeward bound! Waiting in Zurich Airport for flight LX288 to Johannesburg, 
the last flight of the day to depart from Zurich.

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