Tuesday, 26 October 2010

Tax Compliance in the 21st Century

During October 2010, the South African Institute of Tax Practitioners held their 3rd Annual Tax Conference at the Sandton Convention Centre. 

#Left: Dr Beric Croome, passionate about tax.

Speakers included Prof Michael Katz and Dr Beric Croome (both of Edward Nathan Sonnenbergs Incorporated, and both listed as Best Lawyers 2010) as well as other well-known tax personalities such as Judge Dennis Davis (University of Cape Town), Professor Keith Engel (National Treasury), Professor Daniel Erasmus (Thomas Jefferson School of Law, San Diego, California), Professor Walter Geach (University of KwaZulu-Natal),  Jackie Coolidge (World Bank), Nina Olsen (US Taxpayer Ombudsman and Advocate), Telita Snykers (Inland Revenue Service, Singapore), and Gelishan Naidoo(Deloitte).

Focusing on tax compliance in the 21st century, attendees explored:

* the importance of tax compliance for the economic and social development of South Africa;
* current and future National Treasury policy on improving tax compliance;
* how an independent tax ombudsman can assist taxpayers;
* how SARS envisages tax compliance;
* the role of SARS enforcement in improving tax compliance;
* how eFiling and third party data collection will improve tax compliance;
* the impact of tax avoidance and compliance;
* the purpose and impact of trusts in tax compliance;
* how to effectively manage tax risk to enhance tax compliance;
* how to improve their relationship with SARS;
* whether tax policy really improves tax compliance;
* how tax compliance costs impact taxpayer behaviour in complying with tax laws.

Dr Beric Croome spoke on the Tax Administration Bill and Taxpayers' Rights in South Africa. You can see the slides of the presentation by clicking HERE.

Beric says, "It's never easy to find the time to attend conferences, but I found this conference of great value and enjoyed the interaction with the other presenters and meeting attendees from all over South Africa."  

#Photograph and information obtained from SAIT

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